Life Pregnancy Services

Since 1992

A Place of Faith, Hope, and Love

A free community resource supporting pregnant women, and mothers and their infants.

No judgement, just love. We simply want to help you and your precious child.

Located in Sebastopol California

Life Pregnancy Services - Sebastopol

Services Provided

Maternity Clothing

Newborn Baby Layettes

Diapers & Wipes

Baby Furniture & Equipment

Pregnany Recources

Porta-Cribs & More

Our generous donors make this ministry possible so that we can care for expecting mothers/fathers with babies in need.

Life Pregnancy Services is a non-profit, interdenominational organization. Your tax deductible donations are greatly needed and appreciated. Thank you!

All services are confidential.

If you’re pregnant or if you have a young baby, we can provide you with gently used maternity clothing, baby clothing and nursery items. 

Our goal is to help you and your children get a start in life with basic necessities.

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Life Pregnancy Services

Located on the grounds of
St. Sebastian Catholic Church

Human embryo genesis by weeks. Vector cartoon illustration.

Free baby clothing and baby supplies in Sebastopol California. Pregnancy resource center in Sebastopol, California.